Patient Survey October 2024
How easy or difficult is it to contact us by phone?
How easy is it to contact us using our website?
How easy or difficult is it to contact us using the NHS App?
Overall, how helpful do you find the reception and administrative team?
Which if the following online services have you used in the last 12 months?
By online we mean on the website or smartphone app.
Please put an X in all the boxes that apply
Is there a particular healthcare professional at the practice you usually prefer to see?
This could be a Nurse, GP or other health professional
If you answered yes to the previous question how often do you get to see or speak to your preferred healthcare professional when you ask to?
Thinking about the last time you contacted the practice, how did you try to contact us?
If you phoned the practice -
What happened when you phoned us on that occasion?
Once you had contacted us did you know what the next step in dealing with your request would be?
For example, the next step could have been someone contacting you, being asked for more information or having an appointment booked.
If you answered yes to the last question, how soon after you contacted us did you know what the next step would be?
How did we deal with your request
Put an X in all the boxes that apply
What did you do when you couldn't contact us or didn't know what the next step would be?
Overall, how would you describe your experience of contacting us on this occasion?
When was your last GP practice appointment?
Includes appointments with different healthcare professionals as different locations, whether online, by text, over the phone or in person
Did you do any of the following before trying to get an appointment with the practice?
Tick all boxes that apply
Were you offered the following choices?
Tick all boxes that apply
How long after you first contacted us did the appointment take place?
How do you feel about how long you waited for your appointment?
How did your appointment take place?
Who did you have the appointment with?
During your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at listening to you?
During your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at treating you with care and concern?
During your last appointment, how good as the healthcare professional at considering your mental wellbeing?
Did you feel that the healthcare professional had all the information they needed about you?
Did you have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional you saw or spoke to?
At your last appointment were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment?
Thinking about the reason for your last appointment, were your needs met?
Overall, how would you describe your experience of our practice
Some questions about you
How old are you?
Which of the following best describes you?
What is you ethnic origin?
Thank you for taken our survey